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Euthanasia should
neverbe a
solution for

Expanding assisted suicide encourages a culture of neglect for suffering, elderly, disabled, and vulnerable people and devalues their lives. Canada needs to promote suicide prevention and life-affirming care for all.

Take Action

Why should you care
if euthanasia is offered to those
with a disability or chronic illness?

We want a healthcare system that doesn’t discriminate

In 2021, Canada expanded euthanasia to those who are not dying. Euthanasia is now offered to those who have a disability or a chronic illness but are not near death.

Allowing euthanasia for those with disabilities and chronic illness encourages ableism and marginalizes those who are suffering. It wrongly suggests that the lives of people with disabilities and chronic illness are less worth living than the lives of able-bodied Canadians.

Canada should not be a place that kills its sick, disabled, or elderly. We should support people so they can live well, not support or encourage their wish to die.

What else can you do?

Here are some talking points to help you!

  • Canada needs to promote suicide prevention and life-affirming care for all, not just the able-bodied.
  • We want a healthcare system that doesn’t discriminate.
  • The wish to die is always a symptom of an unmet need.
    Our response should be to meet a person’s needs, not give in to their desire to die.
  • Allowing euthanasia for those with disabilities and chronic illness devalues the lives of those living with these conditions.
  • Offering euthanasia as a “solution” for disability or chronic illness reduces incentives to improve treatments for those living with these conditions.

Tampering with the trust needed in the doctor-patient relationship by inserting the possibility of [MAiD] as an outcome, may undermine psychiatric treatment; ambivalent patients, knowing that [MAiD] could be placed on the table as a treatment option, but not really wanting death, may avoid disclosing their suicidal ideations to their physician for fear of having MAiD foisted upon them